
Drop-in classes deepen the skills that support the work of Spirit House.

Drop-In Classes deepen the skills that support the work of Spirit House and are organized to accommodate all levels of expertise from novice to advanced. 

For instance, students who have never picked up a drum will learn how to keep a simple beat in partnership with more advanced students who will be either sharpening their ability to create more complex rhythms or learning how to shift energies in the group setting. 

Students with no experience singing (outside of the shower) will learn to find and hold a note in conjunction with those who will be harmonizing and creating a “container” to hold and channel Spirit.  This is truly a collaborative exercise in learning.

All classes are ongoing allowing the student the time needed to develop “muscle memory” through repetition. Consistent attendance and practice is recommended.

Increasing the level of proficiency with any or all of the disciplines outlined below will greatly enhance the journey towards Embodying the Sacred.

Class Instructors are either Masters in their field or Facilitators who have completed at least two years of Practitioner training at Spirit House. 

Schedule: Classes are offered on a weekly basis.

Cost: $20 drop-in or free with a membership.

*Sessions, Courses, Classes, and Memberships are managed on the Momence platform. You will be redirected to create a Momence account, log in, and book.


Instructor: Diane Hall

The goal of yoga practiced in this class is to engage and release energy blocks or “bandhas”  with yoga movements and breathwork.  Sequences are designed to encourage energy flow as the body is opened, stretched, and lengthened.  The resulting uncoiling of energy can provide a pathway to direct attention and intention to unconsciously held beliefs, patterns, and identities.  The engagement of bandhas is a fundamental element of breathwork at Spirit House, beginning with the Foundations courses.

All Levels:
Variations for each position will be provided. Participants are encouraged to challenge themselves while also practicing within their physical limitations.


Instructor: Justin Levy

Discover how to connect to the drum as a living being with its own voice and spirit.

Bring the drum of choice or shakers to class.

Learn to count beats and produce and maintain a solid rhythmic structure known as  “clave”.

Learn the basics of syncopation through immersion into more complex rhythmic patterns, explore the interplay between structure and improvisation, learn how to listen to the other drummers and feel the rhythms in the body through dance and layering in vocals while drumming.

Connect to the Spirit world and learn to shift energies in the room and in others through the drum.


Instructor: Hanna Rosenthal

This class explores the use of voice to open the heart, mind, and a channel to Spirit.  Proper breathing and warm-up techniques are practiced at the start of every class.  The dedicated participant can find the beautiful and unexpected emerge through the sharing of a newfound voice with others and Spirit.  Singing is a key element of the communal practices at Spirit House which delve into the deeper layers of connection.

Recognizing and synchronizing with keys and practicing simple melodies. 

Harmonizing and developing song structure.

Blending voices to create a “container” for Spirit to rejoice.


The goal of capoeira is to connect to Spirit (called axé in this practice) in a grounded, physical way, both personally and in the community.  Singing traditional songs and playing instruments are a part of this practice which combines elements of a game, a dance, and a fight.  The class is taught by Mestre Almiro, who comes from the Mestre Bimba lineage of Salvador da Bahia, Brazil. 

Class will be taught by Justin when Mestre Almiro is unavailable.

Learn the core movement known as the “ginga” and 6 basic kicks.

Practice beginning acrobatics and entering the circle known as the “roda” to play the game.

Perform more intricate acrobatics and complicated games.

Movement & Meditation

Instructor: Mel Radar

This class teaches how to feel and move energy from above and below, unite with the Earth to release traumas and receive nourishment, and connect to the wise higher self.  Giving and receiving more love and emotion is encouraged by developing a strong, immovable mind and slowly opening the spiritual heart.  The clear mind, balanced emotions, and strong will developed through the practices taught in this class will aid in connecting to the Guides and Deities encountered as an inevitable component of the journey with Spirit House.

All Levels: 
Slow movements to connect to the body, seated meditation to develop focus, and breath work to clear energetic channels.